First 14SE
Length Overall
4.3 m / 14’ 1’’
Beam overall
1.7 m / 5’ 7’’
Racing and pushing boats to their limits helps you understand the powerful way they work and the performance challenge. My architectural approach is different in that it is based on experience.
Naval Architect
racer and an architect. A qualified geophysical engineer, at the age of 28 he chose to go back to his passion for ocean racing. He quickly made a name for himself by obtaining good results on a wide variety of boats, such as the Mini 6.50, Figaro-BENETEAU, Class 40, Orma and Multi 50.
When he doesn’t sail, Sam draws and designs sailing yachts, making the most of his racing experience. At sea, he is in full command of his boat, as he has a broad understanding of her potential and constraints. In his architect’s office, his vision is very pragmatic enabling him to develop winning boats. With numerous success stories in the design of racing boats, Sam Manuard has now extended his work to cruisers.
I am passionate, I have an inquiring mind, and I am interested in anything that floats, makes travel easy and gives few thrills!
In 2009, he designed the first boat built by the young Slovenian boatyard called Seascape. The Seascape 18, a racing dayboat that can also be used as a cruiser, met with dazzling success and propelled the young boatyard to the forefront of recent trends in boat design. The deal to continue working together was sealed and Sam began to design the Seascape 27 enthusiastically. The boat made its first series of tacks in 2012. Then came the Seascape 24, which won the European Boat of the Year 2016 award, and the Seascape 14, launched in late 2017. They both made quick inroads into the dinghy for sheer pleasure category.
Modern racing cruisers must give their crews all the comfort they need without heavy or space-consuming luxuries inside or out. The main luxuries of this type of sailing yacht are safety, ergonomics and a performance similar to modern racing yachts but attainable with a limited crew.