R. Zalazar, owner of Gaudi (First 40.7)
By tracing one of the best routes on the course during the BENETEAU CUP on Virtual Regatta, Rodrigo Zalazar, 32 years old, came 1st in the BENETEAU owners' ranking and 15th position overall. A victory that this 32-year-old professional Argentinean sailor enjoyed at a distance with his friends during the lockdown period. While waiting to find his First 40.7 named "GAUDI" in Italy, he agreed to answer a few questions and agreed to submit to our Chinese portrait.
Hello Rodrigo, you seem surprised by your victory?
Indeed! This race really came at the right time during the social distancing. Thanks to the BENETEAU CUP, I found myself discussing course strategy and wind direction around the Balearic Islands with my friends! I think it all happened at the bypass of Menorca in the direction of Barcelona, that's when my tactics paid off!
How long have you owned the First 40.7 "Gaudi"?
I'm a professional sailor. I bought this 40-footer with two friends two years ago in Spain from a dealer in Almeria. I chose this boat because it was for me the best compromise between comfort and performance. In the team, I'm the one who steers the First 40.7. We can't wait to get back out to the sea and take part in new regattas, real ones this time!
Which race did you take part in with your sailboat?
Last year we took part in the famous Copa del Rey*, you see, I know the waters of the Bay of Palma! In our category, we competed against three other First 40.7s.
Rodrigo Zalazar at the helm of his First 40.7 at the Copa del Rey.
What are your plans for the next few months?
I want to leave quickly for Europe, find my crew and prepare the boat. We wish to participate in the Voiles de Saint Tropez in France in September as well as in the ARC 2021.
Thank you Rodrigo and see you soon for more victories!
* The Copa del Rey is a Spanish sailing competition organized by the Real Club Náutico de Palma de Mallorca in the Balearic Islands. It brings together more than 2,000 sailors from all over the world. The 39th edition, which was scheduled to take place from 1 to 8 August 2020, has been postponed to 2021. Passionate about sailing, members of the Spanish royal family do participate every year.
Published on 03.07.2020